This anime simply doesn't hold up to others like Baki or Kengen Ashura which fill the same category but remain better in everyway, now lets get into why. I heard quite a few good things about this manga before the anime came out and now I doubt manga readers will be happy with the quality of this anime. I encourage you to watch "Record of Ragnarok". If you like well-written characters, good animation, nice fights, and awesome soundtracks. The story is good, the art is great, the sound is fantastic, the characters are my favorite thing from the show (especially Adam), and it is pretty enjoyable. That made me enjoy every fight and because of that, the outcome of each fight is crucial so you don’t get bored. I find it fantastic that each fight has a plot weight since humanity is fighting to survive. Show takes the time to tell you a bit about each character, so you can empathize with them and is not just a God and human fighting.
Also, I love the interactions between the characters fighting and how each fight is full of emotions, and the soundtracks perfectly match with what you’re watching.

In my opinion, it is a very good anime, I usually don't like slow-paced fights but for some reason, this anime did it so well that I enjoyed it and wanted to see more about each character.

I think people hype this anime so much to the point where it didn't matter if it was good or bad, people will still be disappointed. This is my first review so don't get mad at me.